Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Amazing Day!

So - Basically I have had an amazing day! Right when I walked in the door this morning (at my school) I was offered the 5th grade job for next year. I am so excited because I will get to stay at my same school!!! I also get to face a new challenge next year! It is a good feeling to know that I am really done with school and on to "real life!" It is such a relief to not have to stress about passing any more tests or about getting a job! I am really excited for this new opportunity!

I also got to buy a really fun movie - Enchanted! Basically I think it is in my top favorite Disney movies along with Hercules and Cinderella!

I think that if I were to play any character - it would have to be Giselle! She has such a fun character!

My amazing husbad decided that he would spoil me today. He bought me some new jean capris for the upcoming warm weather! They are super cute! He loves me lotz! Overall it was an amzing day!


Erin_C said...

Hey congrats on the job! That is so exciting!

Shane and Jessica said...

CONGRATS!! I'm so excited for you!

Eaton Five said...

Congrats Sista! You rock my world! Five of you biggest fans are ever so excited for you.

Dearma said...

Way to go! You must have been doing an amazing job this year! Fifth grade? After all the work to put third grade together? Well, since you like a challenge, I think you are the woman for the job.

Holly and Matthew said...

haha! CONGRATS MY DEAR! :) That is awesome news and you DESERVE IT! Teaching is no little thing either....ah the memories!:) They made a wise choice. It is so hard to find good teachers! WAY TO GO! :) We just had a girlie Young women's movie night (last night) and guess what watched? You got it! Enchanted! I was going to briefly blog about it today as well. I told the girls the same thing. That part would be such a fun part to play! GREAT addition to our dvd collection! I am glad things are going so well! YAHOOO! :) love ya :)

Brandon and Lindsey B said...

That's so cool! Congratulations on the job! And I LOVE Enchanted too, it's definitely on the top of my list!


Kiersten said...

Oh congratulations! You would be such a fun teacher. Your kids are lucky!

Rachel and Michael said...

I would be Giselle, too! I went home from the movie feeling like a princess. It's one of my faves, too.
Congrats on the job, and the new capris! You're a cutie.
Love ya!

kachers said...

Hey TEniLLe! COngrats on graduating and your new job! I found you through Mandi's blog. I have to tell you it MADE MY DAY to open up your blog, and 'everything' started playing, and to see fun pics of you!! LOVE IT!