Monday, March 10, 2008

Short Answer Tag

1. Where is your cell phone? Right where I left it!
2. Your hair? Desparately in need of a cut!
3. Work? third grade teacher
4. Your father? Tom
5. Your favorite thing? new books or necklaces
6. Your dream last night? Must not have been anything memorable. . .
7.Your favorite drink? Water or Apple Juice
8.Your favorite car? Pontiac Vibe
9.Room you're in? Living room
10. Your fear? getting murdered the way people do in the series "Heroes"
11. What do you want to be in 10 years? A mommy!
12.Who did you hang out with last night? A bunch of Anson's family at his Aunts house13. What you're not good at? Exercising
14. Muffin? Blueberry
15. One of your wish list items? couch covers
16. Where you grew up? Pocatello, ID
17. Last thing you did? Watched "How Do I Look?"
18.What are you wearing? Pink cordoroy pants and a black turtle neck
19. What aren't you wearing? a necklace
20. Your pet? none
21.Your computer? a nice little laptop
22.Your life? busy
23. Your mood? overwhelmed with a messy house
24. Missing? my husband
25.What are you thinking about right now? cleaning my house
26. Your car/truck? Mazda 3 and Nissan Sentra
27. Your summer? working and traveling
28. Your relationship status? Married
29.Your favorite color? Teal
30. When was the last time you really laughed with meaning? Today at school.
31. When was the last time you cried? Yesterday I wasn't feeling too well.
32. School? BYU
33. Least favorite weather? Cloudy
34. Soup? Minestroni
35. Movie? Sweet Home Alabama


Eaton Five said...

You are hilarious! I love it! Thanks for the smiles it made my day. By the way, the countdown to graduation is moving rather quickly. Wow!

Jessica said...

Hey girlie - love your blog! Good luck with this last stretch to graduation! Hope to see you in June! love, jessica