Thursday, May 29, 2008

Last Day of my 1st Year of Teaching!

What a fabulous year! So many stressful times. . .yet so many fond memories!! I will never forget my first year of teaching (mostly because it just got over). I had a wonderful year and the best class ever!! They really made me look good as a teacher and worked really hard!! I got alot of credit for them being such great kids! It was a fabulous year - no more 3rd graders telling me every day that I am the best teacher they have EVER had! Now on to 5th grade where I get to deal with the major "attitude". On to taking down all my cute little jungle animals and the funny but mostly cheesy sayings that 3rd graders love! I am super excited to teach 5th grade next year - it just will be a completely different adventure!

Just a little fun note - today when one of my studnets was asked "If you could have one wish, what would it be?" This student replied "That Mrs. Call was my Mom." Now I would never wish that upon myself(I mean having an 8 year old at this point in my life) but I thought it was a great compliment.

Here are some pictures of some of the Amazing Teachers I work with!


Holly and Matthew said...

What a trooper you are my dear! I tip my hat to all teachers everywhere! FOND MEMORIES Of kids saying cute things in class.When I had 5 year olds it was interesting what they shared about their family. haha! Parents would have been surprised, but heck they are adorable. You are going to be a great 5th grade teacher! YAHOO for summer. MY GOODNESS! What will you do without taking home work? haha lovea ya and hope all is well. :)

Brandon and Lindsey B said...

How exciting to be done with school! So is it kinda the same feeling as it was in grade school knowing you have a whole summer to relax? I'm glad you enjoy your job so much, it really must make it that much easier!

Emily said...

You look so good! Congratulations on your first year of teaching! That is such an amazing accomplishment! :) I'm happy I found your blog! I hope you're doing well!
- Emily Condie

Jamie and Heather Darger said...

Wow - I can not believe you are going to 5th grade next year! Bailey just finished the 5th and it was a rough year for our family. Hours on end of homework at night, never ending it seemed until 10:00pm Please dont be one of those teachers and torture the parents. I am praying for only 2 hours of work every night for 6th grade. If not I may have to consider home school and a future uneducated child on my hands! I never remember school being this hard! Are you guys making it to the reunion??