On June 7th we had all of our family in town for Shaefer's blessing. Anson's mom and sister came for the whole week before the blessing to help us and hold Shaef. They were wonderful help and fun to have here! His other sister and dad also came for a shorter time and we really enjoyed having them here. On the blessing day - not only did we have Anson's family here, but my family came down from Idaho and Kaysville (unfortunately all of our brothers are either across the country or in another country so none of them were here, but they are doing amazing things through their missions or in their schooling!) In addition to them we had Anson's Grandma and Grandpa Call, some of his aunts, uncles, cousins, and one of my cousins and her family.
My Mom has a tradition of making Blessing Outfits for all the grandchildren! She had only been able to make amazing dresses before Shaef was born so this was her first attempt at a little boy outfit! I think it turned out INCREDIBLE but I am a little bias! Anson's Grandma Call is also very talented and made Shaef some adorable little booties he was blessed in.
It was a blessing to have so much family support! Here are some pictures of our little treasure and his fan club!
Four Generations of Call boys and 3 Generations of "Ansons"
Shaef with Grandma and Grandpa Clark (Grandma Clark made his adorable outfit!)
Shaefer with his Grandma and Grandpa Call
Us with Anson's Sister Toni!
Shaef's Great Grandma Call (made his booties for his blessing)
My sisters!
The Eaton Family and Shaef!
He's so ADORABLE! That's such a fun tradition - my Mother in law does the same and we love it :> And you look great Tennille!
Yep...and Anson is thinking "Look how incredibly HOT my wife is!" haha! :) You guys are such a cute family! :) Shaefer is adorable! :)
His outfit is darling! I love it! Your mom should make them for a business! Shaefer is darling as always!
I love all the photos! Keep them coming. Love to you all.
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