Friday, October 23, 2009

The grass is always greener...

This is how I feel today (which is pretty bad considering it is Friday) -

I really should be getting to work on my "mile long" list but instead I am having a venting session on the blog. It is only fair that Anson gets a break from hearing it! Don't get me wrong - I love my is just a little overwhelming at the moment.
Being a working mom has really been a struggle for me - and not just because I have to leave my baby. That is definately hard - but I really have struggled with trying to figure out who I am and what my limitations are. I am learning to have to deal with doing all of the housework/laundry on the weekends, not being able to cook a hot meal every night, and not always having a super clean kitchen. Anson has done a really good job at helping out when he has time so that helps a ton!
Normally our busy schedule is do-able and we make the crazy days work....and then my job decided that the hundreds of extra hours I already put in aren't enough - I have to do parent teacher conferences after school from 4-9 one night and go to keyboarding training from 4-9 pm a week later. Not only does that turn my day into a 12 hour day but it completely eliminates any time I get to see my baby.
On top of that, I have visual art training on Monday (need sub plans for that), cohort training on Tuesday (need sub plans for that), and I am getting a cohort (also known as a BYU student who is coming into my classroom to have a "teaching experience" where I am expected to blow her away with my amazing teaching and give her all sorts of amazing ideas to inspire her to be an amzing teacher like myself)- and if you can't tell I don't feel completely qualified to have someone (just 3 years younger than me) use me as an example.
I am sure you would feel qualified too if you taught a Multiplication unit for 3 weeks and your students scored a WOPPING 63% average! I was hoping this year would be a breeze since it is my 3rd year teaching and my 1st year teaching the same grade twice!


Well now that I have vented - our school counselor just came in and taught my students a lesson about "looking for the positive" - so here I go!

1) At least I have a family.
2) At least I have amazing babysitters to look after my precious little boy.
3) At least I have the most amazing husband in the world who is willing to help.
4) At least I have a job.
5) At least I love my students so my cohort student will see that.
6) At least some of my students scored well on the test!
7) At least my students told me today that they would buy a magazine with my face on it over a magazine with a picture of Michael Jackson! :)
8) At least I LOVE the people I work with.
9) At least I have holidays and the summer off.

And last but definately not least...

10) At least I get to see this little man every day - and he gets really excited when I come home from work!

(Shaefer likes to wear hats and be naked - he is totally content in this picture)


Erin_C said...

You're awesome Tennille. I was just thinking the other day I don't know how working moms do it. I can't keep my life together when I'm not working! Your boy is happy and so adorable and your students are lucky to have you!

The Broderick Family Blog said...

I am so sorry you are feeling so overwhelmed. I don't know how mom's do it teaching and then coming home to everything but relaxation and rest! Hang in there. I have had cool experiences where the school counselor would come in and really make help me cope with the difficult situation better. Good luck with everything! I think you will be amazed how much the Lord can carry you through these hard times. keep looking for those tender mercies!


Heather and AD said...

I am so sorry! I'm sure I really help things when I suddenly can't babysit, and so you're stuck with one more thing you have to figure out!! That picture of Shaefer though is too cute!

Amanda and Miles said...

Some days you have to live just one hour at a time. You can do it though!!

Holly said...

Hey Tennille, I found your blog on facebook and I think it is so cute! I feel for you on this post. I don't know how you do it, but I think you're doing great. Maxine, always had a great outlook, she did all of the things we were asked to but she always let us know that no matter what her family comes first. And please don't worry about that math score, we had those kids all of last year and about killed ourselves trying to figure out how to help them but obviously not much luck. So don't stress too much, just do what you can with what you have. Good luck! Tell everyone hi for me!

Trevor and Angie said...

I am in the same boat. I am in school full time and I hate leaving my baby! Plus when I get home it is hard to get things done because I just want to spend time with her. Which equals no dinner, messy house, and so forth. Your blog was like reading the words in my head. So glad to know I am not alone! I hope you are doing well otherwise. You have a beautiful family!!!

Michelle said...

Oh my dear friend!!! I have felt your pain! It's so hard! My advice is to keep your priorities in check! Your little guy comes first - if you have to have a dirtier kitchen than you'd like - well, then so be it. Remember the story of Mary and Martha. re-read it if you have to! I know it's so hard to wrap your head around it, but it's so worth it if you can just remember to take it one day at a time and take advantage of every second you have with your baby and your hubby!!! Call me if you need a babysitter so that you can have a date night!!! Love ya!

Ashley said...

I know this post is old, and I don't know if you remember me from a few classes at BYU, but I was blog-hopping and came to yours from Mandi's. I'm expecting our first baby in September, and have been so nervous about being a working mom! (Isn't teaching like two full-time jobs already?) I really appreciated not just this post, but some of your most recent ones because it gave me encouragement that this will be do-able, that there are other people out there doing it who are great mothers. Thanks for the much-needed upliftment today!