Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Little Miracles...

Today is exactly 1 month away from my scheduled c-section for our sweet little girl.  We are hoping for a successful V-BAC delivery so I have until then to go into labor on my own.  All this means no matter what....within a month....we will be holding our precious baby girl.

What a Miracle.

What a miracle that we were even blessed with this opportunity.  The Lord knows us well and sent this baby right when it would be a test of my Faith but an even bigger blessing.

What a miracle that this pregnancy was completely opposite my first (even though I have been sicker) but the comfort that came that maybe we wouldn't have to repeat a scary experience.

What a miracle that the doctors here listen to my anxiety about this pregnancy and take steps to ensure a healthy happy baby. 
(Like this extra 34 week ultrasound to check her growth)

What a miracle that this baby is already measuring an estimated 6 lbs. 1 oz. and I am measuring a few weeks ahead ......definitely no sign of growth restriction and a bonus that my body is giving this baby what she needs.

What a miracle that we can see this sweet baby's profile and even get a glimpse of her precious little nose and lips. 

What a miracle that my body could help this baby grow and develop and those precious little toes are a testimony of our Heavenly Father's knowledge of all things and of his love for all of his children.

There are many more miracles that we have experienced with this precious little one, with our sweet little man, and there are many more miracles that we will be blessed with in the future.

1 comment:

Tina Crowther said...

First of all, I'm so jealous you're having a girl! And next, You are so right, that it is a miracle! I hope you have a successful VBAC, I can vouch that they are worth it!!! Good luck!!!