We also were able to go to Lagoon with my older sister and her family and also my younger sister. It was very fun!
We also went to a place called "Jump on It" with Anson's cousins. It was quite a blast as you can see...
Other than that - Anson started school and has really been liking his classes this semester. He still works at the MTC with the Elders, teaching German and wishes he could do that forever! I started teaching 5th grade and I really love that age. There are a few attitudes sprining up but those are being "nipped in the bud" quickly!
I love the wrestling match with the sleeping bags. Heidi really gets thrown back- hilarious.
ha ha thanks a bunch for sharing that memory with EVERYONE! Just kidding it is quite amusing!! Glad I could give everyone a laugh.
It's always good to see pics, I get pretty lonely so its always good to see new pictures of everyone. It was good to talk to you yesterday. Miss you guys
I know! I feel so bad about making Heidi fall...I didn't mean to! She's just a feather! Sorry Heidi! Haha! Thanks Tenille for the pics too! :) We need to get together with you guys soon!
I love the bouncy pictures! That place looks pretty great. Never knew what fun could be had with sleeping bags? Who would have thought? Love you guys.
hey gal!!! how is life>?? i miss your face!! we really need to get together and hang out sometime!! YOu come a visit poky sometime right?? WEll jeremy karver and i are moving to logan the end of the year, so maybe we will see you guys!! where are you anyway?
That looks like soo much fun!! good times!!! How is life?? how do you like teaching?
Well after the call we gat yesturday I was assuming to see a recent post! Hope all is well, thinking of you guys! ;)
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