So I guess it is about time that we announce that we are going to be the proud parents of . . .

if you can tell in the picture, that peanut looking thing is a baby! Our little wiggle worm is due May 13, 2009. We are super excited for this little addition to our family! The doctor had a hard time getting the baby to hold still to measure it - I guess we will have our hands full!
Here is some picture documentation of Anson getting the news, and my family getting the news!
Congrats! That is so exciting! I better be invited to your shower. We might be coming to your wards Halloween party...hope to see ya there.
Congratulations! That is the best news that I have heard all day. Tennille, now you can have children to teach joy school too, just like our moms did! HAHAHA That is very exciting!
Tenille I am so happy for you! Congrats girl!
yay! Congrats! Parnethood is the hardest, toughest and by far the most rewarding journey. You both will be amazing parnets, I am so happy for you.
HOORAY!! Congrats you guys! SO HAPPY for you! Keep us all posted:>
I seriously almost jumped out of my seat! I am so excited for you guys. I've told you, and I am sure other have told you, many times before you guys are going to be AWESOME parents! Yay! Congrats!
Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I'm so excited for you guys! Congratulations! I want to hear the story of how you told Anson and your families! :)
Congrats!! That's so exciting!!! I also want to hear the story of how you told them... It looks like you had fun with it. You're going to love it!!
I am the most excited aunt ever and I have a great desire to be the fav aunt (on the clark side) sorry Trissy! We are so happy for you guys. The girls are especially excited for a Clark cousin!!!!
Yay congrats!! That is super exciting, I'm soo happy for you guys!! How have you been feeling? Hopefully you won't get way sick like I did, I'm sure you remember that well! lol.
YEAH that is so exciting there is nothing more better than being a parent for the good the bad and the ugly it is well worth CONGRATS. You two will be great
Tennille~ Congrats! That is so exciting - I'm happy for you!
How exciting for the both of you, Congrats! Your mom is so sweet she had or was crying in the picture that is great would love to hear how you told your hubby and your parents! You are going to make a wonderful mother! Just remember you will have lots of support from family and friends and when you have questions always ask. I feel the more information and ideas on raising children is always a blessing! Congratulations again sweet girl!
Love, Abby
Tenille...that is so exciting! Congratulations!
Congratulations!! Shane and I are super excited for the two of you!
SO fun!! I'm so excited for you both :)
Congrats!! We can't wait to hear more about the baby Call.
Congratulations! Can't wait to see you at Emilee's wedding.
Yea! Yea! Yea! We are so excited for you! We are going to have to get together soon! We miss you guys!
Congrats Tennille!! That is so exciting and I am happy for you guys! You will be awesome parents! Hope you are feeling well!
HOORAY!! I couldn't possibly be more excited for you! SO CUTE!!! Oh, and could the new babe come a day early and be born on my B-Day? May 12th? It really is the BEST birthday - even falls on Mother's Day every once in a while. I'm so excited for you!!! Get all the sleep you can now!!!
Love ya!!!
Yeah!!! Baby Claire will have a playmate. I am so excited for you!!!
Being a mom is the absolute best!
Oh yay!!!! I'm so happy for you guys!! I know other people have said this, but I want to too - you guys will be amazing parents!! Congrats!
Hey I am so glad you found my blog! I am so happy for you congrats on the pregnancy I really hope it goes well. Sounds like things are going great for you. I am glad we can keep in touch through blogs
How did you tell Anson and your parents?
Thats awesome!!!! Glad to see you finally posted it. Wish Ann could be closer to you - lame for her!
OH MY GOODNESS, i am sooo excited for you, congratulations!!! Are you guys still in utah!?
Thats so awesome congratulations. I hope you aren't sick. Being a mom is the best you are going to love it.
Awesome, I knew if I waited long enough I would hear of some changes in Provo. SO excited for you guys, it will be an adventure. What other changes are going on in Provo.
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