10 Years Ago I...
1. was a 7th grader at Franklin Junior High.
2. weighed 85 pounds.
3. was in love with a man probably 15-20 years older than me who played "Curly" in Oklahoma at the Playmill Theater (weird I know)
4. ran on the cross country team for my Junior High.
5. Got my braces on - I was so awkward.
5 Things on today's "to do" list...
1. Make Pumpkin Pie stuff
2. Go to Church
3. Make dinner
4. Take a nap - I probably won't get to this one
5. game night with the Bartholomews.
5 things I would do if I were a millionaire...
1. Buy a house (I am really sick of apartments)
2. Be a stay at home mom.
3. Go shopping - yes!!!!
4. Get the things we need but can't afford to have right now.
5. Save a ton - but investing is a little tricky right now........
5 places I have lived...
1. Pocatello, Idaho
2. Provo, Utah
3. Liberty Square
4. Heritage Halls
5. Crestwood
5 jobs I have had...
1. Cashier at Grocery Outlet
2. Graphic Designer at Home Seekers Magazine
3. Receptionist at the BYU Admissions Office
4. Mail opener at the BYU Admissions Office
5. Third grade teacher and Fifth grade teacher
I tag....Tiffany, Tanessa, Heather, Heidi,and Ruth.
Rules: Each player answers the question themselves. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blog and leaves them a comment letting them know that they've been tagged and asking them to read your blog. Let the person that tagged you know when you've answered the questions on your blog.
You were a mail opener? That is amazing! i can only imagine opening mail all day and getting paid for it! oh and seeing you needed to make pumpkin pie stuff it reminded me that I want that recipe of yours for those pumpkin bars that you make! They are the best things I have ever eaten!
Tennille...you were in 7th grade 10 years ago. haha...I was finishing my first year of college! I love when I get reality checks like this! And CONGRATULATIONS on the little 'coming attraction'. That is SO exciting! And what's going on on Sunday's...I feel like I never see you anymore! :o)
Tenille i just read your previous post! that is so wonderful! im so happy for you! congratulations to you both!
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