After a long wait and quite a bit of searching - we finally purchased our car seat/stroller travel system! :) We were planning on getting it for Christmas, but then we built a crib and bought a computer instead. I had my eye on this specific set because I loved the chocolate brown and teal color - plus the design was really cute! I kept watching it online and the price kept going down, and down, and I was getting really excited, and then one day I looked and it was out of stock everywhere in Utah and South Eastern Idaho. I was pretty bummed because I had been so set on that specific one...but started looking for other styles. This past weekend I looked online again just to see if I could find it in a store - and sure enough the American Fork Target had it under "limited availiability." I called them up and found out they had one left and could hold it for 24 hours for me! Luckily I had a husband who was willing to go from a super long day of work and school, straight to American Fork with me to pick up our stroller! Of course I couldn't wait to set it up - so now we have a stroller hanging out in our house! We are getting closer and closer to being ready to have this baby come - but there is still alot to do before he can come! Good thing we have a few more months!
Congrats on Everything you make such a cute prego lady. I love the stroller and car seat its very cute.
such a cute stroller set. your going to be such a good mom!
I saw the title of that entry and thought it meant that you already had your baby. I was freaking out! You need to be more careful in how you name your entries for the next few months :)
That is so cute! I'm glad you found it! Yeah! I can just picture you and Anson taking a nice walk to our house with your new stroller and adorable baby...awe! Cute picture huh?! :) haha! But I am really excited for you guys! :)
Look how cute you are all pregnant! I'm glad you got the travel system you wanted. I had a hard time deciding on one and Scott ended up picking one up the day after Caleb was born... Oops. But we had it in time to take him home so it was all good.
The crib set is adorable! You go girl. I want to be just like you!
How fun to get everything all ready. If you'd like me to check your carseat before you have the baby let me know - I am a certified Carseat Technician you know - As easy as they may appear they have lots of little parts that have to be just right to serve their purpose. I'm excited for you both!
YAY for delivering at AF. I wish I still worked there - fortunately I still have pretty strong ties. You'll have to let me know when the little guy is here so I can run over and get you all the goods!
Congrats on the pregnancy! Hopefully the last few weeks go fast for you, they're usually the slowest and hardest! You look so cute pregnant!
Hey! I already gave it to Angela. Don't forget to send me one! I'm way excited to see you.
I can teach you what I know, but I'm not very good!
Very cute set! I love those colors as well! You'll be such a cute little family!
Hey Tenille- not sure if I've ever commented on your blog or not. I just stumbled upon it again and thought I'd say Hi. Congrats and good luck with the baby! Angela (Sudweeks) Frasure
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