Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Shaefer Anson Call

Well - he is already showing us who is boss! :)

Shaefer Anson Call's Stats:
Born April 27th at 10:34 am (2 1/2 weeks early)
5 lbs. 4 oz. (tiny)
17 inches long
As strong as ever!!

Here are a few pictures of our new little family and of the new Daddy!

I had been having contractions every 8-10 minutes on Sunday but didn't think that anything was happening. On Monday morning - I was getting ready for school...and started to get really worried because I hadn't felt him move in awahile, when he usually is really active. I called the hospital and they told me I needed to come in a put him on the monitor. I started getting really nervous but we came to the hospital. They instantly found his heart rate but as soon as I had a contraction - it dropped from 150 to 50. They told me right then that I would be staying at the hospital and having a baby! They continued to monitor his heart and it dropped a few more times. They decided to brake my water and when they did his heart rate dropped again - so I was wheeled away into an emergency c-section. We got to the hospital at 8:30 and by 10:30 Shaefer was already here! It all happened so fast - and poor Anson couldn't even come into the room because I had to be put to sleep because Shaefer wouldn't handle it any other way. Finally at about 2:00 in the afternoon we were together as a family in my room. Come to find out - my placenta was not giving him the nutrients he needed so that is why he is so small and the cord was wrapped around his neck. We are so lucky that he was born healthy and that we came to the hospital when we did! He is super strong and has only been on an I-V because he didn't want to eat.

He is perfect and we love him so much!


Stef said...

Oh wow Tennille! He IS a miracle baby!! I'm so glad he is here safe and sound! I know how it goes with an emergency c-section, it's pretty scary!! I'm glad it all went ok though and that he's finally here! Welcome to the world, Shaefer! :)

Mary said...

Oh my goodness! I'm so glad you are both ok and healthy. He is adorable. Congratulations!

Trevor and Angie said...

Congrats!!!!!! I am so excited for you and so glad things turned out okay. What a beautiful little family you have!

The Poulsen's said...

Oh my goodness!! Congratulations though!! I'm sooo glad that he is healthy and you are doing well. I had a C-section too so if you want to complain I'll listen cause they aren't that fun, and I fully understand. : ) Congrats again!! Keep in touch when you have a minute.

The Clarks said...

He is so precious! I'm so happy for you guys! I can't wait to see him in a few weeks!

sam and kyrsten said...

oh my heck CONGRATULATIONS! you are a beautiful family! im so glad that everything turned out well and that he is healthy! good luck with everything that is GREAT!

Brandon and Lindsey B said...

I am so glad that mom and baby are okay after such and ordeal! He is such a cutie!

Camille said...

yay!! i am sooo happy for you two! i'm so glad he's healthy, too! way to go!!

Harrison and Christine said...

What a surprise! 2 1/2 weeks early! How fun to have him so soon, I'm so glad he's healthy! Congrats Call Family! I hope we get to meet him someday soon :)

Amanda and Miles said...

I'm glad you guys are ok and that you noticed him not moving. Congratulations on a beautiful little boy!!!

Jessica said...

Congradulations! Yay for modern medicine. I am so happy that your little guy is healthy and safe. Embrace motherhood with all your heart. Take care x o x

Chelsea said...

We are so happy for you both. Glad he made it here safely.

The Winkels said...

WOW! Congratulations! I'm so happy to hear that all is well. How did you ever get school stuff figured out? If you ever need a babysitter, know that I'm here for you girl! CONGRATS!

Rebecca said...

I'm so glad you noticed him not moving, what a good mommy. Congratulations on having a healthy little boy, he's adorable!

Stacey said...

Tennille! I just wanted to tell you how happy I am for you and glad things worked out for you. Little boys are the best...enjoy it! They grow up so fast.

The Butcher Family said...

Sorry you had a hard time. Hope all is well with you and you both are recovering! Congrats! He looks just like you-so blonde too!

Michelle said...

Oh that is so exciting! Congratulations and I happy that everything turned out alright! You guys make a cute family!

dina marie said...

We are so happy for you and glad that everything went alright. We are excited to come next week for Emilee's wedding so we can see you all. Love you!

Teresa Jordan said...

Wow! I'm so glad you followed your intuition and called the doctor. Renae told me that he doesn't have to be on oxygen or anything. What a perfect little boy!

Jenna said...

Oh wow! You had a baby not long after we saw you! He is a cutie and I'm so glad that everything has a happy ending. I'm so excited to see him!

Anonymous said...

Congrats again! My goodness that's scary! I'm glad everything went well! You guys are such a cute and happy family! Let us know if you need anything!! We'll be right over!!!!! We love you guys!

Krystal said...

You can never plan when these little angels come they have thier own agenda! I am so happy for you and I'm glad he is doing well!

The Lindquists said...

Congratulations Tenille! I am so glad everything turned out well! My first son had the same heart rate problem and I had to have an emergency c-section too. By the way...you had him on a perfect day (the 27th is my birthday).

Shelley Lineberry Lindquist

The Karlinsey Family said...

Congrats!! I am so glad everything turned out ok. He is beautiful. I am so glad he is so healthy. If you need anything let us know.

Naomi said...

Congrats! He sure is a miracle baby! So glad that he is healthy. Funny story I was delivering flowers and noticed your name on the delivery sheet at the hospital...so I figured that you had him. Good Luck!

DaViD aNd TaBiThA rOmRiElL said...

Congrats! You guys make a cute family! That is so scary and I am glad you are all okay!

Martin Family said...

They can be stressful little buggers can't they but such angels when they are finally here safe in our arms. Congrats and I hope you are all healing and getting plenty of rest and enjoying that bundle of love!
Kara Martin

Sarah Gessel said...

Congratulations! That is quite a day you had on Monday. I can't wait to see him.

Garrett said...

Congratulations you two. I am glad that everything went well and that there were no complications. Let me know when you want visitors and I may just have to stop by before I head back home to Idaho.

Megan Miley and Chris said...

Tennille!!! You had a baby!!!!!!!! I am so excite for you! I am so glad that he is doing well. Congrats! He is adorable!

Eaton Five said...

We love him already!!!! Congrats!

sarahflib said...

Congratulations! (Sis. Gibby here.) I'm glad everything turned out well although it was according to plan. He's a cutie. My baby was just about the same size when she was born and none of her clothes fit her. I finally found some preemie pants at Babies 'R Us and they were perfect; try that if you have the same problem.

Dani said...

What a miracle boy! CONGRATS! I am soooo incredibly happy for you.

Jessica said...

He is a very cute little guy. It was fun to stop by and visit you. I hope all is well. If you ever need anything give me a call!

Holly and Matthew said...

OH WOW Tennille! I am so grateful everything worked out. I am so grateful you were able to be in tune with your feelings. What a blessing! He is a little miracle and SOOOOO ADORABLE! CONGRATS MY DEAR! You all make such a beautiful family! :) WE LOVE YOU!

Brad and Laura Williams said...

Isn't being a parent great? I'm glad that everything worked out with Shaefer. He is an adorable little bundle. You won't believe how fast they grow! Congrats!

bekki said...

Congrats. I'm so happy for you both

kelly said...

WOW, tennille...thank heaven you were paying attention to how you were feeling, and acted on it. i know only too well how quickly something like that can happen unexpectedly. we are VERY blessed with good, modern medicine in our day. i'm SO glad that all is well, and that you're both healthy and strong. LOVE YOU! :)