1) Anson finished another semester!!! He did an amazing job this semester and worked so hard!! I felt a little bad when he was studying and stressing over finals but a little happy because I didn't have to do them! :) I am so proud of him!
2) Anson was invited back to take the 2nd Seminary Pre-Service Teaching class. They only invite a certain percentage back each semester and it is pretty competitive! He is an incredible teacher and wishes he could teach at the MTC forever - seminary teaching seems to be a better option! :) Once again - what an amazing husband I have!
3) We are not counting months waiting for this baby to com anymore we are at weeks or maybe even days! At my last appointment I was dialated to a 1 and 80% effaced so maybe he will come early! I am not holding my breath because I am pretty sure my sub plans are not done yet. If I didn't have so much to do still for school, I would be begging him to come soon!
4) After a long week of teaching and being on my feet - my friend Tammy and I went and got pedicures! It was nice to have a relaxing evening and get pampered! It gave Anson a break too because ususally he is recruited to paint my toes - as I can't reach them very well anymore! I decided to go pink for 2 reasons - summer and that soon my home is going to be infested with boys and I need to have some girl around! The lady even did these adorable flowers and put a little blue jewel and blue accents on them - just because I am having a boy! It really was fun!
Cute toes make swollen feet look so much better! :)
5)More of Shaefer's room is getting clean (and yes to all those who have been wondering - that is the name that we are planning on naming the baby - as long as he comes out a he!) Last night we decided it might be a good idea to pull out the pack and play and put it together! My amazing sister and her family gave it to us for christmas and we are soooooo grateful for it! It is so cute with the jungle animals!
There is a joke in my family about "hippo kisses" that I started teaching the neices when they were little. Basically you chomp at them and they laugh and it is really funny! Anyway it is very fitting that these little hanging toys are hippos!
Very cute toes! I'm glad that things are going well for you! Let me know if I can do anything to help you get ready.
You're getting there! Can't wait to see him! Don't hold your breath for going early! I was 3cm and 90% effaced for 3 weeks before I delivered (induced). Besides, white boys need all the time they can to cook! (speaking as a nicu nurse). Good luck!
Yay! It's right around the corner! I can't wait to see him. So fun about your toes. I want a pedicure so bad. My feet have seen better days...
We all need to remember the happy things that happen! We are so excited for you with each of those things! We love the hippos, now Shaefer will know we love him every time he sees those Hippos! Good Luck Today!!!!
I'm waiting for that post of Shaefer! Congratulations! We're so happy for you guys! Post pics of him soon whenever you can!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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