I am really humbled at how well our Heavenly Father knows us, and how he answers our pleads for help. Today was just one of THOSE days - it seems like there is never enough time to do those things that you NEED to do and yet more things just seem to get added on top of those. I was feeling so overwhelmed and poor Anson (after a long day himself) had to listen to me complain. Thank goodness I have an INCREDIBLE husband who just happens to do the dishes and cook dinner even before he knew I was having a hard day! I barely got to see him before he left for work - and I decided before I was going to tackle the to-do list I would check the blog! Who knew that blogger would be the way I would find comfort - but thank you so much Lindsey Bauman for being inspired and for sharing this video.
click hereNo all the things on the list didn't go away - but I felt an overwhelming feeling that my Heavenly Father is mindful of me and that it can all be done and it will all get done. The first quote really was for me - "Embrace this day with an enthusiastic welcome, no matter how it looks. The covenant with God to which you are true enables you to become enlightened by him, and nothing is impossible for you." I really am grateful for the knowledge I have that I am a daughter of my Heavenly Father and that he DOES in fact love me and know me! I hope that this brightens someone elses day as much as it did mine!
Oh I love that! Thanks for sharing! :)
Thanks Tenille!
Thank-you for sharing this, I really needed it. It is amazing how God answers prayers. I miss your beautiful smile, your are going to be an amazing mother.
thank you. you werent the only one who needed that! :)
Thanks Tenille! I needed that too!
Thank you, Tenille I really, really needed to hear that. Sometimes I get so caught up in my own worries and this helped me remember what is really important.
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