The transition from 1 kiddo to 2 kids has been a challenge for me! We are working on figuring out how our little family of 4 is going to work. I came across this little cartoon on Facebook and I can totally relate to what it says!

I used to be a Pinterest crafter but these days I am actually lucky if I get a shower! But I am pleased that I have managed to keep my kids fed and mostly happy! Maybe someday I will figure out how to be a mom of 2 and will actually make it out of the house with 2 kids (and then we can make baby steps back to hobbies)!
We have had some pretty good times around the house the past few weeks. Sister had her first tub bath and screamed the whole time! Since then I have learned how warm I can actually make the water and life is better. Her favorite part is listening to the water run in the tub - apparently it is calming (we often use it to calm a cranky baby).
It has been especially hard for me to divide my time between a super needy baby and a super active little man. He has been such a good sport and he loves his sister - but I want to make sure we are still doing fun/special things too! He is pretty easy to please which is nice - who knew that sharing teddy grams with frosting could be so much fun!
Included in our new "normal" is a whole lot of picture taking. Shaef loves to be in the pictures as well as taking the pictures so it has been fun to see him get excited about it! (I have even found many random pictures on my camera taken while I was in the bathroom or feeding sister....) But our sweet little girl is so fun to take pictures of and I feel like we have to document every moment because she is just growing too fast.
Accessorizing is also part of our new "normal"....boys just don't have as many options! :)
We are still mostly home bound until our little girl gets a little bigger but we did venture out and have our first little outing as a family of 4. I am so grateful for our new double stroller - it is amazing! We wanted Shaef to have a little fun and get into the holiday spirit so we took him to see Santa fly in to the Mall via Helicopter! We walked around and looked at the booths for a little bit and we spotted someone dressed up as the Grinch. Shaef loves that movie so we decided to let him go see the Grinch and take their picture! Well....apparently the real Grinch is scary and we ended up in full on tears. Luckily we got a little flashlight and Shaef got distracted by shining it into the sky with all the other kids so that Santa knew where to land.
Miss Evy enjoying some fresh air.
Even though his eyes are red - there is a little magic in those eyes. He was sooo excited to see Santa!
Here is the helicopter!
It was a little windy as Santa was landing :)
After Santa landed and headed into the mall we were making our way back through the booths and Shaef kept freaking out because he thought the "Grinch was following us"! Even though he had a ton of fun - I think he was ready to go home!
Evy is growing tooo fast - here is our little naked baby with her first rolls :)
Here is a quicky tummy time shot - she is definitely not a fan.
Even though it is a challenge...I am learning to love our new "normal"! We will see if I ever decide to stop playing super heroes or stop cuddling the baby long enough to clean our disastrous house!
I love this post. Thank you for's nice to hear that other moms go through the same stuff I do.
I love the honesty you express throughout your post. I promise you it will get easier:) There are going to be easy days and others days not so easy. I love that children, specially my children love and appreciate simplicity so reading books, playing, drawing or coloring can be so much fun without having to worry about going outside the home. Although, for a mom there are times that going just outside the home or backyard can be so refreshing after a long day of cries and whines. You are doing a great job!! have fun and enjoy them to the fullest. Much love♥
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